Pulled the honey supers today and extracted four more frames. Deep, rich goldenrod honey and very sweet. I started feeding the thick, fall syrup, too. The first batch contains fumidil b to ward of nosema, and two tablespoons of HoneyBee Healthy. I really need to get on top of the varroa mite infestation. I noticed a few dozen dead and dying bees outside the hive with deformed wing virus which is caused by mites. I also witnessed the poor, stupid drones being evicted from the hive. I guess that what comes of a lifetime of loafing and pleasure. Let that be a warning to us all. HA!
Mike and Ellen, prospective beekeepers, stopped by to take a look at things. They seemed very interested and my amateurish mucking about didn't seem to disuade them at all. I hope they take up this sweet hobby. After I extracted the honey today, I put the empty frames against the hive so the girls could feast on the residual honey. Guess this passes for their Thanksgiving.