Popped open the hood today and discovered the two supers are nearly full of capped honey comb. I don't have another super, so next week I'm going to extract it and return the empty supers to the hive. I'm hoping that the busy, busy girls will have enough time to fill them again with nectar from the vast amount of goldenrod that has started blooming and blooms until the first frost. Last year, I placed the supers about this time, but I didn't start seeing capped honey until the end of August, yet they nearly filled both supers. I removed burr comb from the hive bodies and the upper deep is full of capped honey, and the brood chamber contains honey, pollen and capped brood. There are numerous empty cells but with the dark wax, cloudy sky and bad eyes I couldn't see eggs. Didn't see the queen either but that's not a surprise with me. Will put the bee escape in on Sunday and extract on Monday.
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