Talk about your busy bees! The girls have drawn 61/2 frames into comb, numerous eggs and larvae are visible, and there are nice oval sections of capped brood on two sides of one frame. Some honey cells are capped as well. The bees have consumed four quarts of syrup to date. They have finished the medicated syrup, but I'm still feeding non-medicated syrup as I'm not sure if there is much of a nectar flow as yet. I didn't see a lot of pollen in the cells so I added two patties of brood builder to help. I also added these medications: 1. Two tablespoons of Tetra Bee Mix (oxytetracyline) to prevent American and European foul brood. 2. Two apistan strips to control varroa mites. 3. A package of menthol crystals to control tracheal mites. The bees have consumed all of the fumagallin-medicated syrup. I know from reading American Bee Journal that there is a movement toward "natural" beekeeping, but in my first season I want no nasty surprises and I am hoping to have a thriving and healthy colony.
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