Monday morning, ugh. Responsible for presenting to a group of visiting teachers at work. Uptight. All went well, but during my presentation I felt my phone vibrate. After I saw the visitors out I checked my voice mail and discovered to my consternation that although my Italian bees had arrived, "the package is open." Not only that, the good people at the South Milwaukee Post Office wanted them off of the loading dock. When I arrived, I saw a few dozen bees flying about the dock. The workers (postal, not bee) had placed the package in a rolling hamper and covered it with a plastic sheet. I pulled off the sheet and another dozen or so bees flew out, but I saw a still rather large cluster in the cage so I put the whole works in a cardboard box, taped it shut, and drove home.
Since I didn't want to lose any more bees, I hosed them down with sugar water, hived them, and went back to work. Since then they seem to be making themselves at home so I'm hoping for the best.